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About this website

Welcome to the DeepLearning.AI Companion website! I started this project to keep detailed notes and reviews for various short courses offered by DeepLearning.AI as I finished these courses. However, I soon realized that this could be a valuable resource for others who are looking to learn skills related the growing field of AI Engineering. So, I decided to convert my notes and reviews into a website that could be easily accessible to anyone interested, as well as to turn this into a community project so that others can request for features and add their own learnings.


Course Notes

Explore comprehensive notes and reviews for each course, covering key concepts, practical applications, and major takeaways.

Course Reviews

My personal review of the courses: their good and bas aspects, as well as who the traget audience should be.

Learning Paths

Discover the best sequence of courses to take based on your interests and goals. Use our interactive flowcharts to navigate through different learning paths.


Filter courses by topic using our tagging system. Find the content most relevant to your needs quickly and efficiently.

Get Started

To get started, select a course from the Course Notes section or choose a learning path from the Learning Paths section to find the best sequence of courses for your interests.


If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, feel free to reach out:

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Handle sshkhr @sshkhr16 sshkhr

Happy Learning!