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Notes: Preprocessing Unstructured Data for LLM Applications

01. Introduction

Course covers preprocessing unstructured data from various file formats, getting it into a structured format, and utilizing the data in LLM applications for both semantic search (text similarity based) and hybrid search (semantic + metadata based information retrieval).

02. Overview of LLM Data Preprocessing

  • Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG): Grounding LLM responses on validated external information
  • Contextual Integration: RAG apps load context into a datbase, retrieve relevant content, and insert it into a prompt

Preprocessing Unstructured Data

  • Document Content: Extracting text from documents. Used for keyword or similarity search
  • Document Elements: Building blocks of documents. Useful for filtering and chunking in RAG
    • e.g. Title, Narrative Text, List Item, Table, Image
  • Document Metadata: Extracting metadata from documents. Used for filtering in hybrid search, or identifying source of a response
    • e.g. Filename, File Type, Page Number, Section

Why is Data Preprocessing Hard?

  • Content Cues: Different element types in an HTML versus a Markdown document
  • Standardization Need: Need to standardize data across different document types for pipelines
  • Extracttion Variability: Different requirements for extracting data from different document types e.g. forms vs journal articles
  • Metadata Insight: Extracting metadata requires understanding of document structure

03. Normalizing Document Content

Why Normalize?

We want data in common format so that your LLM pipeline is source agnostic. Benefits:

  • Normalization Benefit:
    • Filter out the unwanted elements (e.g. headers, footers)
    • Chunk elements by sections
  • Reduced Cost:
    • Downstream tasks like chunking easier on normalized data
    • Can chunk later without reprocessing documents

Why Serialize?

Once data is normalized, we can serialize it to use again later. JSON is a suiable serialization format:

  • Common structure, well understood
  • Standard HTTP response format
  • Easy to use in different programming languages
  • Can be converted into JSONL for streaming use cases

Preprocessing HTML

  • LLM Relevance: Integrate fresh internet content into LLM rcontext to maintain relevance.
  • HTML Understanding: Use existing structure from HTML tags to extract document structure, use NLP to understand text content
    • e.g. Long content within

      tags is probably content, short capitalized text is probably a section title

  • Data Extraction and Categorization: Analyze HTML elements to extract and organize web content
filename = "example_files/medium_blog.html"
elements = partition_html(filename=filename)

element_dict = [el.to_dict() for el in elements]
example_output = json.dumps(element_dict[11:15], indent=2)

Preprocessing Powerpoint

  • Professionals Use Cases: Extracting content from Powerpoint slides useful for LLM applications in business use cases
  • Extraction Process: Under the hood .pptx are combination of .xml files. Can exploit known structure to extract content
  • Tool Utilization: Use python libraries like pptx library to extract content from Powerpoint slides
filename = "example_files/msft_openai.pptx"
elements = partition_pptx(filename=filename)
element_dict = [el.to_dict() for el in elements]
JSON(json.dumps(element_dict[:], indent=2))

Preprocessing PDFs

More complex than HTML or Powerpoints

  • PDF Characterstics:
    • Consistent format across devices
    • Complex structure with diverse layout (images, tables, text in various orders)
  • Extraction Process:
    • Need to facilitate text and element extraction
    • Need to preserve context and layout
  • Advanced: Use OCR and transformer-based approaches - use visual information to extract content
filename = "example_files/CoT.pdf"
with open(filename, "rb") as f:

req = shared.PartitionParameters(
    # Model based workload
    resp = s.general.partition(req)
    print(json.dumps(resp.elements[:3], indent=2))
except SDKError as e:

04. Metadata Extraction and Chunking

Metadata supports hybrid search

What is Metadata?

  • Document Details: Additional information about content extracted from source document
  • Source Identification: Data about document itself e.g. filename, source URL, filetype
  • Structural Information: Metadata extracted from document structure e.g. element type, heirarchy information, section information, page number
  • Search enhancement: Metadata can be used to filter search results for hybrid search (semantic + traditional search)
  • Goal: Given input text, find semantically similar documents from a corpus (e.g. for use in prompt templates as context)
  • Vector Embeddings: Convert text into vectors, then use similarity measures e.g. cosine similarity to find similar documents
  • Vector Database: Databse optimized for storing vector embeddings and performing similarity search
    • Load: Insert vectors into database, along with source document (or pointer to it)
  • Prompt Templates: Insert relevant context into the token context window for an LLM input
    • Query Embed: Emebed the input into the vector, perform similarity search
    • Compare and Retrieve: Retrieve k most similar documents, insert into prompt template

When does semantic search fail?

  • Too many results: Sometimes similarity search returns too many matches, e.g. when many documents on similar topic
  • Most recent information: Users may care about most recent information, not most semantically similar
  • Loss of important information: Semantic search may not consider all relevant information, such as section information

Why hybrid search?

  • Hybrid Search: Combine semantic search with traditional information retrieval, such as filtering and keyword search
  • Filtering: Use metadata to filter search results

Metadata Extraction and Chunking

e.g. Extracting metadata from an ePUB file for a book

Filerting elements

e.g. Filtering elements from a response to find those that are titles and contain the word "hockey"

[x for x in resp.elements if x['type'] == 'Title' and 'hockey' in x['text'].lower()]

e.g. Filtering element IDs for elements corresponding to chapters. All child elements of this element will be contents of the chapter.

chapter_ids = {}
for element in resp.elements:
    for chapter in chapters:
        if element["text"] == chapter and element["type"] == "Title":
            chapter_ids[element["element_id"]] = chapter

Load documents into a vector database

ChromaDB is an in-memory vector database.

client = chromadb.PersistentClient(path="chroma_tmp", settings=chromadb.Settings(allow_reset=True))

collection = client.create_collection(
    metadata={"hnsw:space": "cosine"} # metadata for vector emebdding

for element in resp.elements:
    parent_id = element["metadata"].get("parent_id")
    chapter = chapter_ids.get(parent_id, "")
        metadatas=[{"chapter": chapter}]

Perform Hybrid Search with metadata

result = collection.query(
    query_texts=["How many players are on a team?"],
    where={"chapter": "ICE-HOCKEY"},
print(json.dumps(result, indent=2))


  • Chunking Necessity: Vector databases need documents to be split into chunks for retrieval and prompt generation
  • Query Result Variability: Document chunking quality determines quality of query results
  • Chunking Process:
    • Most straightforward: Split document into fixed-size chunks
    • By atomic elements: Rather than splitting raw text, split by document elements.
      • Results in more coherent chunks
      • e.g. combining content under same section into the same chunk

Chunking By Elements

  1. First, break down documents into atomic elements.
  2. Combine elements into a chunk, until you reach a character or token threshold.
  3. Apply conditions for starting a new chunk, e.g. when a new section starts, or when a section metadata changes.
  4. Optionally, combine small chunks into larger chunks so that they are sufficiently large for effective semantic search.
elements = dict_to_elements(resp.elements)

chunks = chunk_by_title(

05. Preprocessing PDFs and Images

These types of documents require model based processing (i.e. using an ML model). This lecture covers document layout detection, and using vision transformers for document processing.

  • Rules based parsing: Extracting text from a document based on known structure (e.g. HTML, Powerpoint)
  • Visual information based parsing: Extracting text from a document based on visual information (e.g. PDF, Images)

Document Image Analysis

Extract formatting information and text from raw image of the document. - Document Layout Detection - Vision Transformers

Document Layout Detection

Use object detection to draw and label bounding boxes around elements in the document image.

  1. Detection: Identify and classify a bounding box using a Vision model like YOLOX or Detectron2.
  2. OCR: Extract text from the bounding box using an OCR model like Tesseract or EasyOCR.
  3. Direct Extraction: For some documents like PDFs, text can be exracted directly from the dcoument without OCR.

Vision Transformers

Document image as input (+ a text prompt - optionally) and produce a text representation of a structured output (e.g. JSON).

  1. Architecture: Use a Vision Transformer model like DONUT (Document Understanding Transformer).
  2. Direct Extraction: Extract text from the document image using the model, no OCR required.
  3. Structured Output: Model can be trained to output structured JSON representation.

Comparison of Document Analysis Approaches

Document Layout Models Vision Transformers
Advantages - Fixed set of element types - More flexible for non-standard docs (e.g. forms)
- Get bounding box info - More adaptable for new ontologies
Disadvantages - Two model calls (detection + ocr) - Generative model (prone to hallucination, repetition)
- Less flexible - Computationally Expensive
with open(filename, "rb") as f:

req = shared.PartitionParameters(

    resp = s.general.partition(req)
    dld_elements = dict_to_elements(resp.elements)
except SDKError as e:

06. Extracting Tables

Most LLM/RAG use cases focus on text content withing documents.

  • Structured Data: Some industries (e.g. finance, insurance, etc.) deal heavily with structured data embedded withing structured documents.
  • Table Extraction: For QA over tables, we first need to extract tables from documents.
    • Some documents contain inherent table structure information (e.g. HTML, Word, Excel).
    • For other documents, we need to extract tables (e.g. PDFs, Images).

Table Extraction Approaches

  • Table Transformers
  • Vision Transformers
  • OCR Post-Processing

After processing, keep table data in a structured format (e.g. HTML) for downstream processing.

Table Transformers

Table Transformers: Model trained to extract tables from document images called Tableformer. Steps: 1. Detection: Detect table regions in the document image using document layout model. 2. Extraction: Extract table using tableformer, which returns HTML representation of the table.

Pros: Can trace cells back to original bounding box. Cons: Requires two models (layout detection + table extraction). Expensive.

Vision Transformers

Use vision transformers, but trained with HTML response.

Pros: One model call; more flexible; can be prompted with text. Cons: Generative - prone to hallucination; no bounding boxes so limited grounding.

OCR Post-Processing

OCR the table, then use output patterns in the OCR output to build the table.

Pros: Fast; works well for tables which are not too complicated. Cons: Requires rule-based parsing; Less flexible; No bounding box.

filename = "example_files/embedded-images-tables.pdf"

with open(filename, "rb") as f:

req = shared.PartitionParameters(

    resp = s.general.partition(req)
    elements = dict_to_elements(resp.elements)
except SDKError as e:

tables = [el for el in elements if el.category == "Table"]

table_html = tables[0].metadata.text_as_html

from io import StringIO 
from lxml import etree

parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
file_obj = StringIO(table_html)
tree = etree.parse(file_obj, parser)
print(etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True).decode())

06. Build your own RAG Bot

%%{init: {'flowchart' : {'curve' : 'stepAfter'}}}%%

flowchart-elk TD
    subgraph Unstructured Data
    subgraph RAG System
        B[Vector Database]
        C[Prompt: Context + Query]
    A1 -->|Extract| B
    A2 -->|Extract| B
    A3 -->|Extract| B
    E -->|Query| B & C
    B -->|Context| C
    C -->|Prompt| D
    D -->|LLM Response| E

Code example not included because it breaks with Chroma. Chroma expects metadata to be a simpler type, and some of the metadata is a list with bounding boxes and text content in the example.

07. Conclusion

Learnings: Extracting data, metadata extraction, chunking, vector databases, semantic and hybrid search, building a RAG bot.